С помощью NICA планируется воссоздать и исследовать кварк-глюонную плазму.
The main idea of the text is that scientists in Novosibirsk have begun testing a key device, the electromagnetic calorimeter detector MPD, for the NICA supercollider being built in Dubna, Russia.
NICA is designed to recreate and study quark-gluon plasma, an extremely hot and dense state of matter that existed in the early universe. This research could provide valuable insights into the fundamental building blocks of the universe.
The main idea of the text is that scientists in Novosibirsk have begun testing a key device, the electromagnetic calorimeter detector MPD, for the NICA supercollider being built in Dubna, Russia. NICA is designed to recreate and study quark-gluon plasma, an extremely hot and dense state of matter that existed in the early universe. This research could provide valuable insights into the fundamental building blocks of the universe.